Monday 27 June 2016

L5 Entry 7: Essay Structure & Exploring Thesis Statements

Q1: Analyse in depth a design related issue that has courted major controversy in both professional and public domains. Evaluate if the negative accusations of the media artefact are merited.

Organising the essay structure got my head spinning..

I think I’ll most probably start it off with an introduction to the many controversial designs in Malaysia such as the KL Logo, Wombat and more.

Or I’ll start off with a history of sexist design like what was it like back then and how it started..?

After the introduction, here is where the main topic comes in: Sexist Advertising — which is a design related issue. Examples of it would be the Firefly Airline advert and Nando’s advert. Other adverts could be Calvin Klein and Lynx who also produce sexist adverts or the recent advertisement with bold words stating: Are you beach body ready? by Protein World.

Advert done by Protein World

Discussions should also include: How different professionals look at Sexist ads vs how the public sees it (overall or on a particular design?)

Most of these controversial happen on media — does that mean sexist adverts are defining our media culture today? Are they degrading the standards of women & promoting dangerous stereotypes just to sell their products? Even though sexist advertising may get media attention by only using shock tactics, their end results are mostly negative and hated. Perhaps sexist advertising is coming to an end? Andrew Ostrom, Executive Creative Director at boutique agency The General Store argues that: “Advertising has to work hard at grabbing attention. When creatives revert to using methods that objectify women it’s lazy and has become rather lame. It’s a short cut. A trick. Brands ought to be buying more top shelf thinking rather than cheap tricks(Miller, 2016).” I couldn’t agree more.

I need have a discussion with my lecturer on the essay structure because it seems a bit confusing and all over the place right now. But some possible thesis statements could be:

Controversial Sexist advertising grabs media attention and destroys reputations.
Sexist advertising are defining the media culture but it may be coming to an end.

I can’t really do much because I need confirmation on the direction I’m heading. So that would be it for now. 


Miller, D. (2016) “Is this the end of sexist advertising?”. Available at: (Accessed: 27th June 2016).

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