Sunday 5 June 2016

L5 Entry 3: The All-Seeing Eye - Then & Now

ಠ + △ woahh

What is the All-Seeing Eye? How would one define this omniscient symbol and has its meaning evolved with our culture? In class, we touched on this topic and it’s pretty interesting if you understand how it all started to what it represents today.

Taking a look back into the ancient cultures, the all-seeing eye has many representations in different cultures. 

In india, the Hindu god Shiva has three eyes and the third eye is known as the eye of Shiva, which symbolises knowledge that destroys all evil and ignorance. 

The eye of Shiva

In Nepal, Buddha is referred to as the Eye of the world and is also known as the eyes of wisdom and compassion. The graphic shown below can be commonly found in temples and the dot in the mid brow represents the third eye.

The Eye of the world

In the Middle East/Asia, the all seeing eye is in the palm of a hand, usually the right and the symbol is called Hamsa, Khamsa or Hamesh. Also, it is a symbol of protection against the evil eye such as back luck caused by jealousy from others. 


In Greece and Turkey, they have the Nazar, which is also a protection against evil.


In the ancient Egypt, the all-seeing eye is known by many names which are the eye of Osiris, the eye of Ra, the eye of Horus, the eye of the Moon or Wad-jet. 

The eye of Horus

By now, you can already tell that there are many myths about the all-seeing eye but they all have one thing in common: it is an apotropaic symbol; a symbol of protection against evil, healing and restoration (David, 2014). 

In many Greek Mythological stories, the eyes play an important role such as Oedipus, Odysseus, The Legend of Perseus and many more. 


Odysseus piercing the eye of the Cyclops

Medusa from The Legend of Perseus

The eye was already such an iconic symbol long before we were born, but what does its presence say in the 21st century?

200 years before, the eye-in-pyramid symbol was used in the design of the Great Seal of America. The Great Seal was designed with a message to convey their vision to the world, and to the future (John, n.d.). It was a symbol for God, for awakening the third eye to make America a better place. 

The Great Seal

But this symbol wasn’t fully appreciated by the public. Some interpreted the symbol as a sign of sinister influence from the Bavarian Illuminati (a secret group formed in 1776) upon the French revolution and believed the illuminati has taken the all-seeing eye for its own purposes. Although the secret society had been disbanded before the French revolution began, some believe that it continued to exist and had some influence over the French revolution therefore, the all-seeing eye appeared to be sinistrous. 

In 1913, The Federal Reserve had taken control of America’s currency and in 1934, the Great Seal all-seeing eye together with the phrases “New World Order” and “He has blessed our beginning” in latin was placed on the US one dollar bill (David, 2014). 

US One Dollar Bill

Perhaps this symbolises their power and control from the rest of the society as they are seen as the tip of the triangle. So, this is where the meaning of the all-seeing eye symbol was changed—control and power.

Today, the all-seeing eye surrounds us. It can be seen everywhere from modern media to art, entertainment and the corporate world. Company logos have also utilise the eye and the eye and triangle icon and some logos very much look like the Big Brother’s watchful eye (Grand Lodge, 2015). 

Company Logos that utilised the eye and the eye and triangle icon

These dark illuminati symbols are making people think that the company is under some sinister influence but I wouldn’t be surprised. There are so many conspiracy theories out there that are saying that the government are spying on our every move and they aren’t always honest to us. They shield us from the truth for peace and make us see what they want us to see.

View more of these logos here.

Moving on to the Modern Pop Culture, the eye and triangle symbol is KABOOM. It’s become  ubiquitous in fashion, music, movies, art and even kid’s cartoon (Grand Lodge, 2016). Some symbols are still interpreted as control or sinistrous but most of these symbols are seen as normal and meaningless such as those in fashion. Teenagers especially, put them on because it looks cool and in style. 




But some people wonder if this is all happening for a reason, to make the younger generations accept these symbols that do not reflect peace and harmony. Could this be because they are setting them up for something more sinistrous in the future? All I know now is that the once protective and respected symbol has become something everyone fears and tries to stay away from. But what if people had mistaken the meanings of these symbols all along.. Well damn it’s a little too late for that. I don’t know what the future holds, but let’s hope that it wouldn’t be too chaotic or dark or out of control. What if they are planning to corrupt our freedom to a whole new extent?! ok I'm out bye


David, P. (2014) ‘The All-Seeing Eye: Modern Use of a Hijacked Symbol’. Available at: (Accessed: 2nd June 2016).

David, P. (2014) ‘The All-Seeing Eye: Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol’. Available at: (Accessed: 2nd June 2016).

Grand Lodge (2015) ‘Corporate logos utilizing an eye, or eye and triangle’. Available at: (Accessed: 3rd June 2016).

Grand Lodge (2016) ‘The all-seeing eye in popular culture’. Available at: (Accessed: 3rd June 2016).

John, M. (n.d.) ‘The Great Seal of the United States’. Available at: (Accessed: 2nd June 2016).

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